Apr 25, 2020
The Coronavirus (COVID19) pandemic has caused a record breaking amount of job losses in our economy. The healthcare industry will not be spared from heavy job losses, layoffs, furloughs, or eliminations either. Just because you are a doctor, a dentist, a lawyer, a champion, or a VIP does not mean that your job is safe...
Apr 15, 2020
The Coronavirus (COVID19) pandemic is giving the US healthcare system a chance to display it’s emergency preparedness. Many physicians, dentists, doctors, and healthcare professionals are rushing to the front lines. Meanwhile administrators and C-Suite executives have tough decisions to make that affect...
Apr 1, 2020
The Coronavirus (COVID19) pandemic is giving the US a chance to display it’s emergency preparedness. Many physicians, dentists, and healthcare professionals are rushing to the front lines to battle this nationwide crisis which is causing a market crash. Being safe with little personal protective equipment in some...